
EndNote is a reference management software that can be used on Windows and Macintosh computers. It allows you to create a collection of bibliographic records and files to use for your research and writing.

Export records from a database into your EndNote library

A number of databases allow you to export records for articles and other resources directly from the database into your EndNote library. It only takes the records, however, so you will still need to download the PDF files and attach it to the record yourself.

Some databases only allow you to export one record at a time. Others allow you to export batches of records. Usually, you tick a box beside the record in the search results list, then save or download the records.

Due to the structure of certain database records, information may occasionally be imported into incorrect fields within your EndNote library. These need to be edited manually.

Instructions for different platforms / databases are listed below:

EndNote and Law databases

Records for most law resources will have to be created manually. See "Manually create a record for a reference" on the Create records for references page for an example of how to enter data into fields. The example given is for an electronic article, but the same process applies to other reference types. See your referencing guide for information on referencing different sources. This will indicate the fields you need to fill in..

A small number can be exported from databases and search engines. Instructions for the following databases are included in the Export records from a database into your EndNote library box above:

  • AGIS Plus – use the Informit instructions
  • HeinOnline
  • Trove

Exporting references from Library Search and databases (video)

This video is for EndNote X9

Filters for exporting records from databases

Each database has its own rules for organizing the data in its records. Filters are files that help EndNote translate the database record so that the information gets put into the right fields of the EndNote record. EndNote has a large number of filters pre-installed, but there may be times when you need to add one that is not already there.

Download a database filter file

  1. Go to the EndNote Import Filters opens in a new window page and search for the database or database provider name.
  2. Click Download for the filter you need in the results list.
  3. A window will open asking you what to do with the file. Select Save File.
  4. Save the filter to your Endnote Filters folder so you will be able to access it from the Import Manager when using EndNote. The file path for the Filters folder is usually something like: c:\Program files\Endnote\Filters

NOTE: Even if you use the correct filter, you will still need to check the records you export to your library. Filters assist EndNote in harvesting information from database records, but they don't always work perfectly.

Set EndNote to open .ris, .enw, and .nbib files (Windows)

When you export records from a database into an EndNote library, the file automatically goes into your Downloads folder. The file will name will end in .RIS, .ENW, or .NBIB. It may not open with EndNote the first time you do this. To fix this, set EndNote as the default program to open .RIS, .ENW, and .NBIB files

You will need to repeat these steps once for each file type.

  1. Open your Downloads folder.
  2. Select one .RIS/.ENW/.NBIB file. Right click on the file to open the menu.
  3. Go to Open With.
  4. Select EndNote if it is in the sub menu.
  5. If EndNote does not appear in this list, select Choose another app.
  6. Select the EndNote program file from the Other options list.
  7. Tick Always use this app to open .ris/.enw files.
  8. Click Ok.
  9. Open your library. The new references will appear in the reference pane.


NOTE: If you are using Firefox and it defaults to trying to save the file instead of opening it, you'll need to check your browser settings. Open the hamburger menu in the top right and select Settings. It will open to the General tab. Scroll down to Applications and select EndNote Import File. Use the drop down menu to change the action for this file type to Always Ask. Any records you export after this should bring up the window with the Open or Save option.

Set EndNote to open .ris, .enw, and .nbib files (Mac)

When you export records from a database into an EndNote library, the file automatically goes into your Download folder. The file will have .RIS, .ENW, or .NBIB on the end of the name. It may not open with EndNote the first time you do this. To fix this, set EndNote as the default program to open .RIS, .ENW and .NBIB files

You will need to repeat these steps once for each file type.

  1. Open your Download folder either on the Dock or in the Finder window.
  2. Select one .RIS file or one .ENW file or one .NBIB file.
  3. Open the File menu and select Get info. This opens the Get Info window for that file.
  4. Go to Open With and select EndNote from the drop down list.
  5. If EndNote does not appear in this list, select Other.
  6. Select the EndNote program file from the list of Applications. It will have the EndNote icon beside it. Click Add.
  7. Click Change All to apply this setting to all files of this type.
  8. Open your library. The new references will appear in the reference pane.

Files exported from databases after you set EndNote as the default should open automatically. This might not happen with files you downloaded before you set the default. In that case, drag each file and drop it onto the EndNote program icon, on the Dock or in the Finder window, to open it.

NOTE: There are sometimes problems exporting references into EndNote using Safari. You may need to change browsers.


A video you can watch: Exporting to EndNote on Mac opens in a new window by UQ Library (YouTube)

Export references from Google Scholar into your EndNote library

You can export records from Google Scholar into your EndNote library. However, the records are often incomplete so you will need to check each record and add missing details or edit mistakes.


Set Library Links to use the View@CQUniversity function

  1. Go to Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.au/ opens in a new window
  2. Click on Settings at the top of the page (the wheel icon).
  3. Click on Library Links in the left hand menu.
  4. Type Central Queensland University into the search box.
  5. Tick the checkbox beside CQUniversity – View @ CQUniversity
  6. Click Save.

Now when you search Google Scholar, View @ CQUniversity will appear to the right of the results if CQUniversity Library has access to the full text.


Set EndNote as the default program for records exported from Google Scholar

  1. Open Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com.au/
  2. Open the menu in the top left corner and select Settings.
  3. Go to Bibliography Manager and select Show links to import
  4. citations in.
  5. Select EndNote from the drop down list.
  6. Click Save.


Use the Import into EndNote function to download individual records into EndNote

  1. Search on your keywords in Google Scholar.
  2. Click the Import into EndNote link at the bottom of each search result you want.
  3. Check each record. Basic reference details will be imported, but these may be incomplete or in the wrong fields.
  4. Update each record as needed.
  5. Download the PDF and attach it to the record.


Create a My Library account in google Scholar

  1. Click My Library on the Google Scholar home page https://scholar.google.com.au/
  2. Create an account (staff and students can use their CQUniversity email) If you use your university email, you will be prompted to log in with your staff/student log in on the following screen.
  3. Click Enable to set up your scholar library.


Select and download batches of references to EndNote

  1. Search Google Scholar
  2. Click the star icon (Save) under the results you want to add to your scholar library. You will be prompted to log in to your My Library account if you haven’t done so already.
  3. Click on My library in the top right to view the list of saved results.
  4. Tick the boxes for the ones you want to download, and choose EndNote under Export.
  5. Click OK in the Opening citations window that pops up.
  6. The references will appear in your library in the Imported References folder.
    Check each record. Basic reference details will be imported, but these may be incomplete or in the wrong fields.
  7. Update each record as needed.
  8. Download the PDF and attach it to the record.


Printable copies of these instructions:

Use the Online Search function to add references to your library

We don't recommend this function because you will get better results from searching directly within the database itself.

The Online Search function uses your internet connection. It allows you to search some databases from within EndNote. If EndNote asks for a remote password when you try to access the database, you do not have access to that database from Online Search.

EndNote 20

  1. Find the Online Search group in the Groups panel on the left
  2. Choose the database you want to search from those listed below Online Search, or click more... to find a list of others to choose from.
  3. Enter your search terms into the advance search panel at the top of the window and click Search.
  4. Highlight a record in the results list to bring up the Summary/Edit panel.
  5. Use the Summary tab to read the abstracts and review the results.
  6. Drag and drop each reference into the group you want it in, or use the Add References To ... function in the References menu.


EndNote X9

There are three search modes:

  • Local Library Mode – This shows only your library groups. Online search is not available in this mode.
  • Online Search Mode – This shows only Online search results. They are not automatically added to your library. You can evaluate the search results here and choose the ones you want to add to your library.
  • Integrated Library & Online Search Mode – This shows both your EndNote library groups and Online Search groups. Search results are automatically added to your library in the Unfiled group. You can evaluate them in the Unfiled group and delete the ones you don't want.

To use Online Search mode:

  1. Open EndNote
  2. Click the Online Search icon in the toolbar. You will see that other groups disappear. They are still part of your library, but they are not displayed now.
  3. Choose a database or catalogue to search.
    • If what you want is listed under Online search, click on it
    • If what you want is not there, click more... to see all of the options. Highlight the option you want to use and click Choose.
  4. A search panel will appear for your chosen database or catalogue. Use this to search for materials on your topic. You may be asked to authenticate with your student number, or staff username, and password. Please note that not all CQUniversity databases are able to be accessed via connection files.
  5. The search results will appear either above or below the search panel, depending on your version of EndNote. Evaluate these results for relevance to your topic, currency, and credibility.
  6. Highlight the ones you want to add to your library.
  7. Open the References menu from the toolbar
  8. Go to Copy References to
  9. Select the library you want to add the references to from the submenu
  10. Click the Integrated Library & Online Search icon to show all of the groups
  11. The references you've just added will be in the Copied References group underneath the All References group.


NOTE: Information may occasionally be imported into the wrong fields within your EndNote library, because of the structure of certain database records. You will need to manually edit your EndNote records for these references.

Connection files for Online Search

Connection files are programs that enable EndNote's Online Search function.

  • Connection files only work with databases which support a particular search protocol called Z39.50, so not all databases can be searched using a connection file.
  • Not all connection files are free to use, even though they will appear under the Online Search option.
  • There are more than 400 connection files that come preinstalled with the software.


Find and install additional connection files

  1. Go to the EndNote Connection Files opens in a new window page.
  2. Search for the database or search engine by name. If there is one available, you will be able to download it from the results list. Click the Download link to do this.
  3. If the file does not automatically open, locate the downloaded .enz file right click and select Open with ... from the menu.
  4. Choose EndNote as the default app, and click OK. (If it's not already listed, you'll need to use the Choose another app option to locate it.)
  5. In EndNote, open the File menu and choose Save As.
  6. Remove Copy from the end of the file name and click Save. It will save to a Connections folder on your computer.


The CQUniversity Library Search connection file

NOTE: This connection file was updated on 19/05/2022 to support an upgrade to Library Search. If you are using an older version you will need to update it.


Select the new connection to search from within EndNote

  1. Open the Online Search section of the Groups pane on the left of your EndNote library.
  2. Click more... to open the Choose A Connection window with more options for connection files.
  3. Find your newly added connection file by name and select it in the list.
  4. Click Choose. The connection should now appear in the list of options under Online Search.