Library Search: Indonesia

This guide is being removed

This older version of the guide is no longer being updated, and will be removed on August 16 2024.

Looking for information on using Library Search in Indonesia? Please update your bookmarks to the Library Search for Indonesian Students page.

We also recommend you visit the Library Resources for CQU Indonesia page.

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Library Search: Indonesia

To begin searching Library Search: Indonesia, use the search box below or go directly to Library Search: Indonesia.

Advanced Search

About Library Search: Indonesia

Library Search: Indonesia allows you to search across multiple databases at the same time to locate resources. Due to licensing restrictions, print resources and some CQUniversity Library databases are not available to staff and students in Indonesia.

If you would like to search a specific database, go to Databases: Indonesia

Library Search: Indonesia can be used to find and access:

  • full text e-books online
  • full text journal articles online
  • video collections online

You will know you are in Library Search: Indonesia because the wording, NEW SEARCH INDONESIA will appear above the search box:

The search box with New search Indonesia above it