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Databases: Indonesia

Resources with access for Indonesia campus.

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This older version of the guide is no longer being updated, and will be removed on August 16 2024.

Looking for information on Databases for CQU Indonesia? Please update your bookmarks to the Library Resources for CQU Indonesia page.

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About Library Resources

There are a range of resources available via the Library which you can use to find information, but the key collections (also referred to as databases) are:

  • ebooks
  • journals
  • videos

The type of information you need, and any specific requirements outlined in the assessment criteria, will determine where you should look for information. General information about ebooks, journal databases and video collections is included in the boxes below, whilst the links on the left focus on resources for specific discipline areas.


ebooks (online books) can be a good place to start looking for information – some of your textbooks will also be available as ebooks. The Library's main ebook database for your studies is ProQuest Ebook Central, but you may also find some of the freely available open access book collections (identified by the open access icon) useful:


Journals are increasingly published online, and accessed via journal databases. Journal databases may be either:

  • Discipline focused databases containing journals which focus on specific subject areas/disciplines.
    Find journal databases relevant to business by checking the Business Databases tab on the left.
  • Multidisciplinary databases include journals from a wide range of subject areas. They will often contain journals which are not included elsewhere, and are worth searching in addition to discipline focused databases when you are looking for information. Explore the databases below to see which ones are best suited to your assessment topic:

Video Collections