Using Google Scholar

This guide shows you how to use Google Scholar to find academic resources. It also shows you how to access full text via the CQU Library.

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This older version of the guide is no longer being updated, and will be removed on August 16 2024.

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Finding full text at CQU using Google Scholar

GoogleScholar is a web search engine created by Google to locate academic and scholarly sources.

Sources include peer-reviewed papers, theses, books, book chapters, abstracts and articles from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories, universities and other scholarly organisations.

Note: Only some of the Library's resources appear in Google Scholar search results, however, it can be viewed as a complementary search tool for finding scholarly information.

You can set up Google Scholar to identify whether the resources it finds are held in full text at CQUniversity Library and/or any other libraries to which you have access.

To do this:

  1. Go to Google Scholar opens in a new window.
  2. Click on Settings at the top of the page (the wheel icon)
  3. Click on Library Links in the left hand menu
  4. Type Central Queensland University into the search box
  5. Tick the checkbox beside CQUniversity - View @ CQUniversity

Google Scholar library links settings

  1. Click Save

Now when you search Google Scholar, View @ CQUniversity will appear to the right of the results if CQUniversity Library has access to the full text.


A print version of these instructions: Setting up View@CQUniversity in Google Scholar (PDF).

Using the View @ Cquniversity link to access articles

  1. Click the View @ CQUniversity link to the right of the result you want to read
  2. You will usually be taken to the database record. If you are taken to the Library Search record, use one of the Full Text options.

View @ CQUniversity links in the Google Scholar results list

  1. Log in to see the full text.