High Level Reviews (systematic, integrative, scoping)

Integrative Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and Systematic Reviews are high level literature reviews.

Writing your high level review

Integrative reviews  Scoping reviews  Systematic reviews


You are now at the final stage of the review process. When writing up your review it is recommended that you follow each step in the guideline used to undertake your review as this will ensure that your report is comprehensive, shows a systematic approach was followed, along with providing results and conclusion. It is also important that you include a flow diagram as a part of your final review document as this illustrates the process you undertook to come to the final studies included in your review.

Flow diagram from review by Hartmann et al

Reference Hartmann, A., Hannemann, F., Luetzner, J., Seidler, A., Drexler, H., Guenther, K., & Schmitt, J. (2013). Metal Ion Concentrations in Body Fluids after Implantation of Hip Replacements with Metal-on-Metal Bearing - Systematic Review of Clinical and Epidemiological Studies. PloS One, 8(8), E70359.


As a part of your methodology write up you should include a table of your search undertaken in one of the selected databases.

Search string from review by Hartmann et al.

Reference Hartmann, A., Hannemann, F., Luetzner, J., Seidler, A., Drexler, H., Guenther, K., & Schmitt, J. (2013). Metal Ion Concentrations in Body Fluids after Implantation of Hip Replacements with Metal-on-Metal Bearing - Systematic Review of Clinical and Epidemiological Studies. PloS One, 8(8), E70359.


Why do I need to include my search strategy when I write my review?

Providing an example of your search strategy:

  • Supports your methodology.
  • Enables future readers of your review to reproduce your exact search if they wish to look for any new literature on your topic. This can be added as supplementary documentation when submitting for publication.

It is also important to include the date range in which the search was undertaken, and the databases included. You will need to provide full details of the database; for example, Ovid Medline(R) ALL 1946 to January 28, 2022