Alerting and Current Awareness Services

Services that keep you up-to-date with news, articles, journals, books and websites in your field of research

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Table of Contents alerts

TOC alerts are available in numerous databases and from publishers. Follow the database's instructions to create a TOC alert. You may be asked to log in/register or create a profile to complete the alert process.

  • JournalsTOCs opens in a new window is an alerting service where you can discover the latest articles directly from publishers, once they have been published online. A free service for individual users, researchers, librarians, students and anyone who's looking for the latest or most current papers published in the scholarly literature with international coverage.
  • TOC Premier opens in a new window is a database which provides access to the most up-to-date TOC information for over 16,500 journals, hosted by EBSCOhost. A title list opens in a new window of included journals and books is available.
  • Wiley Online Library: e-Alerts opens in a new window allows you to receive the table of contents (e-TOC) for selected journals, published by Wiley, whenever a new issue is published, including receipt of Early View and Accepted Article alerts

Have a look at your favourite journal and see whether they offer this service.

Citation alerts

Citation alerts notifiy you when a document or author has been cited.

Some online tutorials:

Saved search alerts

Most databases require you to register for free to create a profile in order and create an alert.

Look for the help section in each database. Follow the instructions to set up an alert on your saved search. Visit the list of databases at CQUniversity to select the ones relevant to your area of research.

Some online tutorials:

New publication alerts

Many online book sellers offer free recommendation and notification services when new items are added to their database. A similar service is offered by some publishing houses. By registering with them you will be emailed when new items in your area of interest are published.

Selected examples:

  • Cambridge E-Alerts opens in a new window: You can subscribe to receive email notifications of new book publications. Select one or more subject areas.
  • CSIRO Publishing opens in a new window: You can subscribe to receive email notifications of new publications. Select books by subject area. Select journals and magazines by individual title.
  • Harvard University Press mailing list opens in a new window: You can subscribe to receive email and/or print notifications of new book publications. Select one or more subject areas.
  • Springer New Book Alert opens in a new window: You can subscribe to receive email notifications of publications. Browse by subject for books. Browse by subject or individual titles for journals.
  • Wiley books (Researchers) opens in a new window: You can subscribe to receive email alerts for publications. Select from a range of products, e.g. Cochrane Library or Online Books.

Web alerts

You can be notified of new or changed web pages just as you can for journal articles and books.

  • Google alerts opens in a new window: Set up a Saved Search Alert using the keywords of your choice, and have the latest relevant Google results emailed to you.
  • Google Scholar opens in a new window: Open the menu at the top left of the screen to go to Alerts to create an account. Once you have an account you can set up Saved Search Alerts. Look for the Create Alert button on the search results screen.
  • Scout Report opens in a new window: This is a weekly report offering a selection of new and recently discovered Internet resources of interest to researchers and educators.