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aCQUIRe is CQUniversity's institutional repository of our research output.

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This older version of the guide is no longer being updated, and will be removed on August 16 2024.

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Welcome to aCQUIRe

CQU’s institutional repository, aCQUIRe, is a collaborative digital repository for researchers and Higher Degree by Research students to store, share and publish their digital files. It accepts all forms of digital research outputs including audio, video, PDF, images, code, datasets, presentations and more.

aCQUIRe is powered by Figshare and aims to drive positive change for the impact and discovery of CQUniversity research to enable increased partnerships with our communities.

Other benefits include:

Compliance: Easy compliance with funder and publisher requirements to make data open.
Collaboration & Discoverability: Research files can be shared privately with collaborators or made public. Other researchers can find your work, enabling collaborative research.
Increased citations & Impact: All published research outputs receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) making them citable.
Altmetrics opens in a new window tracks your views, downloads and citations.
Reuse: Apply Creative Commons opens in a new window or other appropriate licenses to define terms of re-use of your files.
ORCID linking: Add your Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCiD) opens in a new window to your aCQUIRe Figshare account.
Data Storage: Secure supported storage of your data.

How does this effect where I submit research outputs?

Research Elements opens in a new window is still the main platform to deposit your research publications and the process has not changed. The Research Elements site on StaffNet provides more information how to navigate Research Elements and submit your research outputs.

Large datasets, of more than 5MB, are the only outputs you need to upload into aCQUIRe directly. You'll find instructions on the How to...? page of this guide.


Note: It is University policy that all research data (including working data which is actively being developed, and the final master copy) is primarily stored on the CQUniversity dedicated research data storage system (