Changes to library links

Changes to Library Links

NB: This project has now reached a conclusion.  All new library links have been in place since June 20, 2023. This guide is no longer relevant, and will be removed August 16 2024. 


Some of your library links may have been affected by the June 20 2023 system upgrade.

If you are accessing resources via Library Search, you will not need to make any changes. However, library resources which have been bookmarked or included in EndNote may require updating.

Below are instructions on how you can update these links.

How to update your bookmarked links to Library Resources

To update these links, see the Link Generator box below. If the link generator does not work for your links, you will need to use Library Search to find the resource again.

How to update links to Library Resources in your EndNote library

Links for references in your EndNote library that contain ezproxy will require updating. You will need to identify these and edit their records manually. Below is an example of the links that need updating.

example of URLs with ezproxy authentication


Identify and update URLs for your references

If you only have a few links, you can work from your EndNote library. If you have a large library, there is a way to speed up the process:

  1. Select all of the references in your library and follow the Export references to Excel to organise your review instructions to get a spreadsheet with all of your references and their URLs.
  2. Use Excel's Find and Replace function to colour the cells opens in a new window with URLs that contain ezproxy.
  3. Sort by cell colour with your chosen colour on top. This will give you a list of the URLs you need to work on. You can delete the others if you like or just ignore them.
  4. Use the Link Generator box below to convert your links.
  5. Use the other details in the spreadsheet to locate the correct records in your EndNote library.
  6. Edit each record to add the new URL and Save your changes.
  7. Once the links are updated, open any related Word documents and use the Update Citations and Bibliography button to update the links in your reference lists.


Update your Find Full Text settings

If you are using the Find Full Text function in EndNote, you will need to update the OpenURL Path, Authenticate with and ISI base URL in your EndNote preferences. See Configure the Find Full Text settings to use this function to find files for details.

Link Generator

To update your bookmarks and EndNote links, use the link generator below.

Paste up to 20 links in the box below, one per line, and click on Generate new links.


Generate new links Clear input Clear output

Generated links will appear below


The following issues may appear in red:

  • Missing http/https: Links must begin with https:// or http://
  • Relink: The generator cannot process this link. You will need to relocate the item using Library Search or the original website and copy the permalink.