High Level Reviews (systematic, integrative, scoping)

Integrative Reviews, Scoping Reviews, and Systematic Reviews are high level literature reviews.

Data extraction overview

Integrative reviews  Scoping reviews  Systematic reviews


Once you have completed the critical appraisal component of your high level review you will move onto data extraction.

  • For those who are using Covidence opens in a new window, the data you extract can be recorded within the platform and exported when you are ready to begin writing your review.
  • If you are planning to create your own data extraction template (example of the Data Extraction Form from the Cochrane Review Group below) you can customise the data extraction form to your review’s needs. (The data extraction form and database should align with the suggestions provided by a statistician)

Key steps you need to consider when undertaking data extraction are:

  • Identify what data you are wanting to extract to assist in answering your review question
  • Develop and test your data extraction form and database designed for recording your data
  • Develop a clear plan of who will be undertaking the data extraction and the time frame in which it is to be completed
  • Identify where the extracted data is going to be stored, for example will this be cloud based verses hard drive; who will have access to the data
  • Complete the data extraction table. Completing the tables into a format for presenting evidence enables researchers to refer to the completed data when writing and inserting tables into a thesis or article for publication.


Data Extraction Form from the Cochrane Review Group opens in a new window. This form should be edited to suit the needs of the review