Using BrowZine

A guide on the use of BrowZine, a tool to browse, read and monitor scholarly journals

What is LibKey Nomad?

LibKey Nomad is a browser extension that provides access to full text articles from CQUniversity and Open Access articles on the internet. Providing single click access to library content from a range of publishers opens in a new window via Google, publisher websites, PubMed, Wikipedia and more.

Do you search the web to find scholarly articles? If you find an article on a publisher site, there is no need to search for it again in Library Search. LibKey Nomad Chrome extension will automatically connect you to articles in our collection.

Installing and using LibKey Nomad

LibKey Nomad is available for Chrome, Edge, Safari, Vivaldi, Brave and FireFox (ThirdIron download link opens in a new window). Edge, Vivaldi and Brave browsers can use Chrome based extensions.


Getting started:

  1. Download and install the extension,
  2. Choose CQUniversity as your library,
  3. You are all set. Begin searching the internet, and look for the Nomad buttons (below)

LibKey Nomad CQU screenshot


As you search for articles the following buttons may appear:

LibKey Download PDF With a single click either a PDF will appear on screen or you can choose to download a PDF.
LibKey article link With a single click access a web page with either full text HTML and/or PDF link.
LibKey view complete issue When you see this option click the link to go back to BrowZine and view the article within its journal title and issue.

A guide to the buttons available, and their meaning, can be found on the LibKey Nomad User Guide (PDF) opens in a new window


Examples of articles with LibKey Nomad (Wikipedia on left and Scopus on right):

image of libkey nomad on web pages

Note: If you are also using EndNote Click, you will need to close its pop to proceed with LibKey Nomad.