Early Career Researcher Support

A platform for all your Early Career Research needs.

Why peer review?

Participating in the peer review process can be beneficial to early career academics.

  • Serving as a peer reviewer looks good on your CV as it shows that your expertise is recognized by other researchers.
  • You will get to read some of the latest science in your field well before it is in the public domain.
  • The critical thinking skills needed during peer review will help you in your own research and writing

Peer review is complicated and nuanced, and it is important that you get it right. Look over the following best practice tips for guidance.

Best practice peer reviewing

Manage your time Peer reviewing take time. Make note of the deadline and be sure to to ask for an extension if you need it. Read and respond to the notifications sent to you to keep you on track with the process.
Be resolved As a voluntary task peer reviewing will take more time than you expect. However approach it with the resolve to make the work better. Taking time to provide an honest valuation of the the work, respects the research and will enrich the research community.
Understand guidelines & scope The guidelines and scope are instructions made to guide you on how to provide the best, most useful review possible. Take time to read them.
Educate & Mentor

The peer review process is to fairly provide feedback, or information on, your particular field. At the core, this is all about educating and peer mentoring. As such, honest and committed peer review promotes a culture of growth and learning.

Find a balance Manage your review invitations in relation to your workload. If you do say no, be sure to recommend a colleague.
Be constructive Be bold and constructive with your feedback. Don't give any feedback you would not want to receive yourself.
Take credit! You have put in a lot of time and effort. Be sure you receive credit for you work. Publons opens in a new window is a author profile site, that allows you to track metrics and gain recognition for your peer reviews and journal editing work.


2018 Guide to NHMRC peer review (PDF) opens in a new window

Further resources

Certified Peer Reviewer Course offered by Elsevier
What you will learn:

  • Understanding of the peer review process
  • Advice on writing a helpful peer review report
  • Advice on handling ethical issues concerning peer review