Using Health and Medical Databases

How to use PubMed, CINAHL, Cochrane Library, JBI via Ovid, MIMS Online.

Joanna Briggs Institute Evidence Based Practice Tools

The Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database contains an online collection of evidence-based resources and tools designed to assist in the clinical decision making process and to support best practice. Resources include systematic reviews and protocols, recommended practices, best practices information sheets, consumer information sheets, and evidence summaries.

Access via Ovid includes access to EBP Tools such as SUMARI, a tool for appraising systematic reviews.

Using the EBP Tools

You will need to create an Ovid personal account in order to use the EBP Tools. The document below will assist first time users of EBP Tools.

Looking for systematic reviews in JBI via Ovid

Systematic reviews can be found in the JBI database, to access click on link below and select the following:-

  1. Select continue
  2. Tick - The Joanna Briggs Institute EBP Database
  3. Select Ok
  4. Select Advanced Search
  5. Input search terms
  6. You can limit to "systematic reviews" under Publication Types and your results will indicate type of publication found


Other databases that provide systematic reviews include:-

  • Cochrane Library
  • CINAHL with Full Text
  • PubMed